Jet-x Arrow 50 ( jetex arrow )
Semi scale profile glider for HLG use or as designed as a jet-x / rapier power model
Wing Span 354mm ( 13.9 inch )
An easy to build , trim and fly sports scale model for use as a hand launch chuck glider, a catpult glider or for power with small jet engine such as jetex or rapier
Manufactured from the late 80`s originaly mande by us for distribution by powermax to the model trade to go along side the jet-x engine they manufactured, this model is an ideal model for anyone who has a jet`x engine , or it can be used with similar power units rapier jet etc
Many people use it just as a red arrow style hand launch chuck glider
All parts laser cut, kit comes with full instructions, trimming and flying details, diagrams etc ( no jet engine included!, kit will fly as glider without jet unit )